Morning coffee, breakfast and gratitude

Morning coffee, breakfast and gratitude

If you are lucky you grew up in a family where you hear the word „thank you“ and where every new day is seen as a great treasure, then you will need this whole story to be fully known. If you have not had that opportunity, think about this and try to apply some of these „little dude“ that can make an ordinary day especially nice because it does not one day is not an ordinary virtue of being unique.

When this powerful word found in your vocabulary with two more „please“ and „sorry“ you will see how beautiful life is and how much easier and facilitates communication with oneself and with others, smoothes conflicts, leaves a good impression on others, and creates respect for others towards you.

Why respect? Because the way you conduct and expression, in which you sincerely say „thank you“ if someone held the door open when you enter the room, give you a compliment, help you to do something in business, give you the right company talking an hour or two funny and interesting stories, then tell him or her „thank you“, to set aside from others who view life as something that implies.

They come into this world, waiting to be life going on, and they will only be observers, still the commonest dissatisfied. Although this gives them the right to be critical and hate the other.

love you
When someone gives us something of themselves, that isn’t an unimportant thing, this is one of your shared experience. These are special moments that you and the other person connected even if only for a moment.

But why respect? Well, because primitive people don’t know how to be grateful. Likewise, those for which we can say that they are „bad people“.

Of course, we all have a light and a dark side, it’s bad and good moments, but people who are trying to be good they will nurture its positive side personalities, to do is to make it even whiter and brighter and on that dark side of the personality, they will also invest a lot of effort that it doesn’t overcome and reinforce them.

When you find yourself in the company of people who are envious, empty in its essence, without any personal satisfaction, without the possibility of truly loving another person, you’ll notice how your good behavior and a positive attitude towards life in them creates the discomfort.

First, if you observe, they look for error, dishonesty, and falsehood for your kind words. When they are not found, then they will try to remarks and provocations, give you credit „to get down to their level,“ which is certainly lower than yours.

When this doesn’t succeed, if they have the opportunity, especially if you work closely, for example, the business will try to make unrealistic with unclear requirements, remarks or criticism, „put you on thin ice“ to see your reaction, whether the ice under your foot start to shoot and you feel powerless. What they want to see… your weakness through anger, arrogance, primitivism, and bad manners.

Hmm… unfortunately, your dignity and good manners are an absolute part of you, so your response to their behavior is completely at your level, not on their lot that is under yours. From all over this situation, you will come out spotless and pristine.

Given that you are a person who works on your personal and professional development and see life as a marathon, which is long and sometimes hard, but who can be beautiful and interesting and one day you get to the finish line when the race finishes. you slowly calms the breath, the body relaxes, and on your lips is a smile. If you then look around you in the audience are all those people who have supported you in life and believed in you, and you’ll just tell them: „Thank you“.

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