4 seasons and 7 mineral sources

4 seasons and 7 mineral sources

There are many small towns and villages in Serbia, where the streets are empty throughout the year. During the summer when tourists come nobody sits in the gardens, cafes, and restaurants and chat, no events, no life.

Sometimes you just can see someone who goes to work in a certain time his usual route from home to work and briefly disrupt almost constant silence. If within this quiet little town is a park or forest, fortunately, silence may terminate the chirping of birds.

Vrnjačka Banja is not one of those mention silent city. At first, it will look like that when you get off the bus at the bus station in the lower part of town, but as soon as you walk through the upper part of the city and start to get closer to the center you will see that all the beauty of life.

Vrnjacka spa

7 mineral sources – from very cold to completely warm

This spa is known for its healing sources in which there are various rehabilitation centers for the treatment of diabetes, jaundice, bone disease etc.. There are several sources of water from very cold to warm you need to drink at certain times of the day. The best known are:

  1. Sneznik,
  2. Warm,
  3. Lipovacki,
  4. Slatina,
  5. Beli,
  6. Borjak
  7. Vrnjacko vrelo.

If you do not come for treatment, you can enjoy staying in this small town just like a tourist. In addition to Hotel Merkur is a beautiful park for walking, called Vrnjci, and in his following is Japanese Garden. The park is planted with beautiful flowers and permanent residents of the park are various types of birds and squirrels.

Walk through the zone of love and friendship

One of the most recognizable symbols of Vrnjacka spa is a sparrow „Gočko“ which was the mascot of „The Games without Borders“ in 1990 and located in the middle of the main promenade. Around Gočko there are numerous bars, restaurants, and pizzerias where you can eat very tasty food and drink good wine or rakija.

Through Vrnjacka Banja flowing rivers Vrnjačka and Lipovačka. One of the distinguishing things is small bridges that connect the left and right side of the pedestrian zone.

One of the most famous bridges is „The Bridge of Love“ that lovers snakes lock with their names, then „Daljinar Bridge“ which was build in memory of Nedjo Ilic waiter who knew by heart distances in km in most of Europe’s capitals, „Golden Section Bridge“ which is dedicated to science and mathematics..

Ceni bor
While strolling around the central zone will notice very old residents of Vrnjacka Banja. One of them is Silver linden (Tilia argentea) or Black pine (Pinus nigra Arn) that are over 35m high and 300 years old.

This stable under the protection of the state of Serbia and by the legends that recount were planted to keep from oblivion sad lives, faithful friends in war periods in this area from the time of Turkish rule in the Balkans.

If you like long walks in the mountains, climb the nearby mountain Goč. The highest point on the mountain is 1127m, a mountain is full of streams and rivers, as well as ponds with trout.

All is covered by forest. It is ideal for hiking, picking mushrooms, berries, and herbs since there are endemic plant species and communities.

For lovers of nature, you can socialize with barbecue and comfortable environment to enjoy a delicious meal and beautiful setting of untouched nature, but if you prefer to eat you save someone else, wedding party in one of the lodges Vladanka, Ratkovic or Salus.

Culture and other great things

If you have time to walk to the Castle Belimarković which was built around 1889. If you happen to be in the summer in Vrnjacka Banja, visit the event’s cultural festivities, which lasts 100 days, and is dedicated to the Serbian theater, films from Serbia and around the world, painting, classical music and others.

Every year in August is „TheCarnival in Vrnjačka Banja“ which was a gathering place for people from all over the world who love to dance and play at carnivals and have a fun with good music.

But, i
f you happen to in Vrnjacka Banja during the winter days and you do not have the opportunity to attend the carnival and festival of culture, you can visit the Museum of spa treatments.

Here you will be able to view the history of spa treatment long 150 years, with 180 exhibits, photos, documents, files. The museum is located in the center next to the City Library.

If you love movies, you can watch a movie that is in the repertoire of the theater near the library and the museum.

All four seasons is a good time to make up this stunning spa and experience something extraordinary and unique.

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